
evolve your business systems … rapidly!

what we do at lockdown.software

We were all caught off guard by this pandemic. It appeared without warning, spread quickly and caused governments around the globe to effectively shutdown the economy in an attempt to “flatten the curve” and save lives. Many businesses unfortunately could not survive the extent of the change the lockdown has caused nor the speed with which the change took place – no time to adapt. However, other businesses have looked to quickly implement bespoke software systems and incorporate new ways of working to help adapt to the “new normal”.
This is exactly where lockdown.software is helping business like yours – we seek to quickly understand your challenges and goals and to speedily implement systems that will facilitate your transition to a new way of working with your staff, your suppliers and of course your customers.
We provide a professional but pain-free software, app and web development service to help businesses like yours change the way they work so they can operate successfully in this new business environment and be resilient and robust to what may be around the corner. And the corner after that.

Good question, typically two categories of people benefit from our bespoke software development services:

  • evolving businesses i.e. businesses that are needing to change quickly to accommodate the new business environment… want to discuss?
  • entrepreneurs i.e. people that have maybe been sitting on an idea for “the next big thing” for some time but now find themselves with more time on their hands to finally take some action – now or never. (We appreciate money maybe tight so we are open to joint venture arrangements to offset development cost… give us a nudge to discuss.)

Drop us a quick message now so we can get the ball rolling.

Yes, we are a software and app development company… and there are lots of development companies out there to choose from so why us? Here are what sets us apart from the crowd:

  • business experience not just code experience… better understanding of your business, leads to systems that serve you better.
  • fast, fast, fast… you don’t need the software / app in twelve month’s time, you need it yesterday! While we can’t rewind the clock we do provide an efficient and speedy development service to get your new systems built and running with the minimum of fuss and delay.
  • affordable… we work remotely so we can keep our costs down to a sensible level.
  • maximal impact… when we understand your aims and pains we will flag what we think you need and what are the “nice to haves” that you can park for another day – this ensures earlier launch and more bang for your buck.
  • flexible payment… we understand cash is tight, now more than ever, and so have payment plans and arrangements to support businesses trying to get back on their feet during these testing and uncertain times.
  • online processes… we focus on helping your business make the shift to being as online as you want it to be. This might mean helping your staff work from home, seamlessly integrating with the systems of your suppliers, customer portals for ordering and support – there are a lot of options when it come to making your business future-proof let alone today-proof!

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